Thursday, October 11, 2007


Śrī Hari Bhakti-sudhodaya 10.46-50

After a minister of Hiranyakasipu preached to Bhakta Prahlad to give up the worship of Lord Vishnu, Prahlad replied:

O my master, there is no doubt that whenever one does good, one meets obstacles. It is a fact that in order to perform any auspicious act there will be many difficulties to overcome. So how can the most auspicious hari-bhajan be performed without facing obstacles?

Some unsteady persons with polluted hearts pretend to be devotees of Lord Narayan. But when they meet obstacles they give up hari-bhajan and flee like a deer from a tiger.

Even if the gods offer them temptations, if demons place them in fearful situations, or if elders advise them otherwise, devotees cannot be swayed from the path.

In spite of the obstacles that naturally come, wise persons remain resolute. They remain firm in their steadfast devotion to Sri Hari and attain the supreme goal of life.

— Śrī Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya, of the Nāradīya Purāna. English translation by Tridandi Bhakti Prajnan Yati. Sri GaudiyaMath. Madras.1989

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